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Learning & Teaching Framework

Learning & Teaching Framework

Our Catholic school communities believe all learners are created in the image of God and viewed as unique individual learners who are supported to achieve their highest potential.

Our schools are committed to providing high quality learning and teaching through the implementation of the Australian Curriculum. Every student must develop strong literacy and numeracy skills in their earliest years of schooling, and go on to develop broad and deep knowledge across a range of curriculum areas.  

• confident and creative individuals

• successful lifelong learners

• active and informed members of the community.

Teachers have high expectations of all learners and implement effective evidence-based pedagogy that leads to student growth.   

We believe that learning happens best within supportive partnerships in which learners feel valued, connected and engaged in their learning. Schools create an inviting and inclusive learning environment that dignifies all learners.

Curriculum offerings

Our distinctive curriculum offerings include:

  • Phonics approach to spelling and reading
  • HPE Specialist Teacher

  • Extensive and comprehensive Learning Enrichment program (Multi Literacy, Minilit, Literacy/Numeracy targeted programs for individual students; Personalised Learning Plans with specific goals for all students)

  • eSmart Classrooms – 1:1 devices to student ratio

  • Multi-age Classrooms that are student focussed and responsive to the needs of individual students

  • Focus on supporting Indigenous Education

  • Access to a range of visiting specialists- Guidance Counsellor; Speech Pathologists, Hearing Impairment support

  • School based Chaplain – 2 days a week to support student/family well-being

Information and Communication Technologies

At St John Bosco Catholic School, Information and Communication Technologies are used in all classrooms to assist learning.

From Prep to Year 6, our students are confident and capable IT users. All students have access to their own device at all times. Each classroom has a range of devices for student use in small groups or as individual tasks. Children in Prep to Year 3 have access to a chromebook, iPad or desktop computer. Our Year 4 to 6 students have their own Chromebooks to use as part of their learning on a daily basis.